Two Loyola Marymount University graduates, Thomas Inesi (Class of 1996) and Steve Ratter (Class of 1990) both of whom have successful careers as artists in video game development will talk about the video game industry in Los Angeles as a city of many opportunities for an artist that who wants to get into games/software/digital media. As a developing industry, the possibilities for success can seem overwhelming, but whatever discipline or creative skill you excel at, there will most likely be a useful, real-world application in the creation of interactive gaming.
Thomas Inesi and Steve Ratter, will talk about multimedia career opportunities for the potential Game Developer, Art Director, Concept Artist, Environmental Artist, Levels Artist, 3-D Artist, Animator, Sound Designer, Scriptwriter and Programmer.
Thomas Inesi is currently a Senior Character Artist at High Imact Games. He has previously worked at Electronic Arts as a UI artist on "Medal of Honor Underground", and as Character Artists at Spark Unlimited and Treyarc (a division of Activision) where he worked on "Call of Duty 3" and "Bond".
Steve Ratter is a Senior Environment Artist at Insomniac Games. He has previoiusly worked at Dreamworks Interactive, Electronic Arts, Inscape, Philips Media, and was a member of the initial team that started Spark Unlimited. His game credits include "Small Soldiers", "Chaos Island", "Medal of Honor", "Call of Duty" and most recently, "Resistance: The Fall of Man" for the Playstation 3.
Everyone with an interest in creative career in art, multimedia, design, music, animation, film, and computer science is invited to attend and as a special bonus, we will be giving away FREE COPIES of "Video Game Developer's Guide to Careers in Video Games" to the first 20 people!
Plan to attend!
For Additional information contact the Department of Art and Art History at 310-338-7424, or Michael Brodsky at mbrodsky@lmu.edu and Dmitry Kmelnitsky at dkmelnitsky@lmu.edu .
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