Doug McCulloh is an artist based in Southern California. He is an honors graduate of the University of California at Santa Barbara and holds an MFA in photography and digital media from Claremont Graduate University. McCulloh’s work has been shown in museums, academic institutions, and galleries in the US, Europe, China and Mexico, including more than two dozen large-scale solo exhibitions. Exhibitions include: California Museum of Photography; KIT/Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Victoria and Albert Museum, London; Musee de l’Elysee, Lausanne, Switzerland; Asian Cultural Center, New York City; China San Jiangyuan Photography Festival and Los Angeles Center for Digital Art.
For more information: www.douglasmcculloh.com
"...after winning the right to name a street in a new tract housing development," writes Sheila Pinkel in AfterImage, the journal of the Visual Studies Workshop, "McCulloh spent seven years working on "Dream Street," shooting 12,891 photos and taping 47.5 hours of interviews, in order to accomplish a reflection of the tract house building trade as it exists in Southern California at the beginning of the 21st Century... What makes McCulloh's insightful work so unusual is that he is both photographer and writer and the intersection of these two voices are at times informative, moving and/or shocking."